Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who just got promoted to Raider in his new Guild? This guy!

Yes that's right I am now a Raider in my guild. I have been lucky enough to come to almost all of progression raids regardless so far, but it feels great to be appreciated and given a rank. It will be especially nice to be an equal on the DKP table, not to say I actually have the DKP to win items over people, but all in all it will be nice to no longer be referred to as an "app."

I have been having a great time in EL. We had one group get LK down in 10 man a week ago, and we have other groups working on him. We made some progress in 25man on LK, but have a ways to go still too.

I have been living for raiding lately, and any day I don't have a raid to look forward to has been pretty lame. And that in itself is lame. Lawl. I got my 4pc t10 and I will say free Rejuvenations, hasted or not hasted, are nice. They have been making up close to 4% of my total healing done. So free heals are always good IMHO. More to come later.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

New bosses, new beginnings!

That's right. That's Dreamwalker I'm looking at. I guess the first thing I should say is my former guild, Torment, has collapsed and is no more. After that happened I sought out a new home. I met some people in Exiled Legion, and they really peeked my interest in their guild. I applied to the guild and had the chance to run with them a bit lately.

Last night I was invited to the guild during a 10 ICC I was running with them. :) We sped through 10man ICC on mainly an alt run and got to Sindragosa with 20/20 attempts remaining. We made some great progress on Sindragosa but had to call it when myself and others had to go. I'm looking forward to running with the guild and hope I can show them what I can do during my probation period.

HASTE! I finally made it to my haste cap a few weeks ago and was able to drop all points in Celestial Focus and pick up 3/3 Revitalize. Well technically I'm 854 which is 2 short of my cap with raid buffs but shhhh! don't tell anyone. My druid has been performing really well and I'm excited about seeing and helping others see some new content! I am having an absolutely awesome time playing my druid lately.
