Yes that's right I am now a Raider in my guild. I have been lucky enough to come to almost all of progression raids regardless so far, but it feels great to be appreciated and given a rank. It will be especially nice to be an equal on the DKP table, not to say I actually have the DKP to win items over people, but all in all it will be nice to no longer be referred to as an "app."
I have been having a great time in EL. We had one group get LK down in 10 man a week ago, and we have other groups working on him. We made some progress in 25man on LK, but have a ways to go still too.
I have been living for raiding lately, and any day I don't have a raid to look forward to has been pretty lame. And that in itself is lame. Lawl. I got my 4pc t10 and I will say free Rejuvenations, hasted or not hasted, are nice. They have been making up close to 4% of my total healing done. So free heals are always good IMHO. More to come later.
An update from me and closing my guides
6 years ago
Glad to see you continuing to raid! Now, just dont get upset when I kill you in World PvP/Battlegrounds :D