Monday, November 30, 2009

3.3 Tank Healing Spec and Glyphs!

Well rumor has it that patch 3.3 is right around the corner. Along with the patch comes our change from Gift of the Earthmother to Gift of the Earthmother: increases spell haste by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the base global cooldown of Lifebloom by 2/4/6/8/10%. To me this says two things: if you need to keep rejuv blanketing the raid you're new haste softcap for a 1.0 second GCD is 856, and secondly, if you don't feel the need to rejuv blanket, all of your cast time spells just got a 10% haste bonus. This being said, after fooling around on the PTR I came up with two specs for resto Druids come 3.3.

First, the tank healing spec. What I came up with is 16/0/55. I chose only one point in Celestial Focus and made sure to grab 2/2 Empowered Touch. I decided this after fooling around on the PTR with my prot Pally friend. I realized that I'd prefer bigger nourishes on the tank, rather than slightly faster ones.

You may notice that I sacrificed Living Seed all together. I did this because I prioritized Natural Perfection basically for nourish crits while tank healing. I hope to never get myself into a situation where even 3% haste would make the difference between saving a tank or not. That being said, it didn't seem worth it to only put 2 points into Living Seed, so I scrapped it.

The glyphs I chose were Glyph of Regrowth, Glyph of Nourish and Glyph of Rapid Rejuvination: Your haste now reduces the time between the periodic healing ticks of your Rejuvenation spell. Yes, the new rejuv glyph will hasten your ticks, reducing the overall length of your rejuv, but with closer to the haste cap and buffs I think you would see close to a double in HPS from this. You will have to refresh your rejuv more often, leaving less time for nourish, but all the while your rejuv is almost healing for double what it used to over time. For tank healing I saw the best hps and ease of use from these glyphs.

With myself healing my prot Pally friend on the Patchwerk Tank Test Dummy, we lasted for about 3 minutes, burned through almost 400k of his hp, and healed through over 700k damage, and the average HPS was about 6k. With my "raid healing" spec I will mention later, I only saw 5.6kHPS and we lasted about the same time. So, in terms of healing throughput, this is why I chose this spec.
For now I think this is what I will start out with for my "Tank Healing" spec. More to come soon with my thoughts on my raid healing spec. I will let you in on a little secret so far though... it comes with more haste :)

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