A Tribute to Insanity! BOOM! There it is people. We came, we saw, we pwned face. 50 attempts left, but who needs 'em when Anub' just a lifeless scarab shell. What was different this run? Not much except that we knew we had it this time. We all knew what to expect and how to execute what we needed to.
Our chest yielded Cloak of the Silver Covenant,
The whole run went fairly smooth. We had a mishap on Jaraxxus when a healer ate a pain spike but this is why we love Ankhs :) Faction Champs went as smooth as it could have with an easy comp. Twins were tricky as they usually are, and stressful, as I am usually flying around the arena like a huge, dark, empowered black blur of a tree. Onto Anub' and we all handled the encounter really well. It wasn't perfect, but people reacted well to the pressure, and down he went. A great night of raiding. We were really in a groove tonight. And gratz to Lotis on his new cloak. Next week? We are going back for someone else's cloak; unless of course we happen to be busy in Icecrown! We never know. Damn you Blizz when is ICC?!?
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