We completed Grand Crusader 10 man tonight with the kill of Anub'Arak! We had 11 attempts tonight, with about half of them as "should have been kills." It seemed like a major problem for us was the burrowers. We were handling them quite well, until it seemed they were bugging out. Our tank was taunting, throwing avenger's shield, judging, and regardless of what he was doing, the blizzard emote confirmed that the mobs were now attacking our tank. However, this was not always the case. Multiple times the adds were taunted off of heals, but walked up to them and whacked them anyway. Finally we had an attempt where the adds didn't bug out, and we got our kill. It wasn't pretty, but we did it, and we all learned a ton tonight.
Our makeup tonight was a Warrior tanking Anub, a Paladin tanking the burrowers, a resto Druid (me), disc Priest, resto Shaman, Ret Paladin, Rogue, Mage, Hunter and Death Knight. I split the groups so melee was group 1, and ranged and heals were group 2. We relied on Healing Stream totem to keep group 2 alive, and Judgement of Light and Divine Storm to keep the melee up through the leaching swarm. I healed the Anub tank with the resto Shaman on the OT and the disc priest on the penetrating cold victims. This seemed to work remarkably well compared to our last attempts. Phase three seemed pretty smooth when everything went right, until the last 5% where Murphy's Law seemed to kick in. As I said before, our kill was not clean, but it was a kill. Next week will be better I am sure. I am feeling a cloak next week! Here are the meters from the kill.

Glad to see you found a good picture where the Archmage wasn't in your face ;)
ReplyDeleteBetter anyway lawl. The obsession with that thing is beyond me haha.